Growth Not Gotcha: Creating a Culture of Coaching
By leveraging innovative systems and cutting-edge technologies, Calcasieu Parish School Board (CPSB) has successfully accelerated its pursuit of instructional excellence. Check out how the 66-school district continues to achieve consistent instructional improvement across its schools.

Calcasieu Parish School Board is the fifth largest school district in Louisiana with 66 schools.
Leading the academic charge for CPSB is Superintendent Dr. Shannon LaFargue, whose mission is to empower CPSB staff to create world-class learning environments. By leveraging systems thinking, a global mindset, continuous improvement, and a collaborative approach, Dr. Lafargue and CPSB are on the cutting edge of innovation.

Deliver consistent, supportive, and empowering feedback to teachers.
To continuously improve the quality of instruction and learning across the district, CPSB narrowed in on improving collective teacher efficacy. This starts with delivering consistent, supportive, and empowering feedback to their teachers.

CPSB needed better tools and systems to support teachers consistently and effectively.
Calcasieu Parish School Board sought a solution to address three main issues:
- Teachers weren’t consistently receiving timely feedback, coaching, and instructional support.
- CPSB had no cohesive and reliable way of delivering high-quality feedback and personalized professional development to their teachers at scale.
- Leaders and teachers alike had limited visibility into data and could not easily track progress towards their instructional goals.

CPSB uses Bullseye's customizable instructional support system for easy, effective teacher support & coaching.
Bullseye worked alongside CPSB’s instructional leaders to develop tools and systems tailored to the unique needs of the district, streamlining the process for providing teachers high-quality feedback in real-time. With Bullseye reporting, CPSB is able to easily visualize trends at the district, school, and individual levels to drive district growth.

Years 1-3 of partnering with Bullseye:
adoption rate amongst all 66 CPSB schools
Bullseye walkthrough, coaching, and reflection sessions taken
instances of instructional mastery observed and celebrated
CPSB administrators say Bullseye saves them time, keeps them more organized, and helps drive instructional growth
CPSB found a statistically significant correlation between Increased Bullseye Usage & Higher Student Standard Score Growth

“In addition to providing incredibly easy-to-use, intuitive technology, Bullseye has been a true thought partner for Calcasieu. Together we have successfully defined our instructional priorities, aligned our leaders and designed continuous improvement systems that are visibly transforming our district.”
Dr. Shannon LaFargue
Superintendent, CPSB